The North Central District Health Department recently conducted alcohol and tobacco compliance checks in each of the counties they service. Below are the results of those compliance checks by county.
Antelope County Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct tobacco compliance checks in Antelope County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Antelope County’s compliance rate was 85% with 13 retailers checked. Dean’s Market, Elgin One Stop, The Home Town Station, Lucky Joes Liquor Store, Buff’s Dew Drop Inn, Casey’s #2378, Thrift Way Market, Imperial II, Antelope Country Club, Sly’s Chill & Grill, Dusty’s, Summerland Golf Club, and Plainview Country Club all passed the check. Cubby’s and Clearwater Market were checked and failed to deny alcohol sale to a minor.
Retailers were also checked in compliance checks for tobacco. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Antelope County’s compliance rate was 100% with 13 retailers checked. HiWay Mart, Dean’s Market, Elgin One Stop, The Home Town Station, Casey’s #2378, Cubby’s, Dollar General, Mr. S’s, Dusty’s, The Den, TJ’s Market, Royals Last Chance Bar, Royal One Stop all passed the check.
The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Boyd County Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Boyd County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Boyd County’s compliance rate was 100% with 11 retailers checked. Monowi Tavern, Nebraska Inn, The Short Stop, Double K Bar, Eagle Lane, Bubba’s 4th Street Tavern, Naper Café and Lounge, Veterans FW 8256, Cahoy’s General Store, Counry Café, and 63 Co General Store all passed their checks.
Retailers were also checked in compliance checks for tobacco. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Boyd County’s compliance rate was 100% with 5 retailers checked. The Short Stop, Nebraska Inn Steakhouse, Double K Bar, Naper Café & Lounge, and KC’s Roadrunner all passed their checks.
The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Holt County Alcohol Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Holt County retailers. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are over the age of 21. Holt County’s compliance rate was 86% with 28 retailers checked. First Stop, Speedee Mart (Roadrunner), Flat Iron Grill, The Alley, 95 West Express, Westend Mini Mart, Harte’s Pub, Bosselman’s Pump and Pantry, Casey’s, Chesterfield West, Cubby’s, Fox’s, Irish Spirits, Larry’s Package, The Good Timin’ Bar, Superfoods, O’Neill Country Club, Westside Restaurant, Kountry Corner Café, Central Bar, Southside Mini Mart, Stuart Locker, and Cast Iron Bar all passed their checks. Gokie Mini Mart, Handlebend Tap, Holt County Grill, and Atkinson Stuart Country Club were checked and failed to deny alcohol sale to a minor.
Retailers were also checked in compliance checks for tobacco. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Holt County’s compliance rate was 95% with 23 retailers checked. Dollar General, First Stop, Roadrunner, White’s Service, 95 West Express, Village market, DW’s Pub, Ewing Family Foods, Westend Mini Mart, Bosselman’s Pump & Pantry, Casey’s, Cubby’s, Dollar General, Fox’s, Gokies, Irish Spirits, Larrry’s Package & Video, Super Foods, Torpin’s Rodeo Market, The Farmers Store, Southside Mini Mart, and Stuart Locker all passed their checks. Brauns IGA was checked and failed to deny tobacco sale to a minor.
The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Knox County Alcohol Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Knox County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are over the age of 21. Knox County’s compliance rate was 100% with 26 retailers checked. Stringer’s One Stop, Z’s Lindy Country Club, Broadway Billies, Curt’s Bowling Lanes, Freedom Hall, Bottoms Up, Creighton Comm Country Club, Bulldog Sports Lounge, 59 Express, Big Red Bottle Shop, C Mart, Country Jim’s LLC, Lewis and Clark Mini Mart, Steffen Mobile, Weibelhaus Recreation, Jimmy Dean’s Lounge, Niobrara Trading Post, Sportsman Bar, Niobrara Valley Golf Course, Bohemian One Stop, Misty’s, Rolling Hills, Big Red Mini Mart, Bill’s Place, Pinky’s Lounge, and Elaine’s Tavern & Café all passed their checks.
Retailers were also checked in compliance checks for tobacco. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Knox County’s compliance rate was 87% with 23 retailers checked. Z’s Lindy Country Club, Broadway Billie’s, County Market, Dollar General, 59 Express, Big Red Bottle Shop, C Mart, Dollar General, Gragert’s Grocery, Country Jim’s LLC, Lewis & Clark Mini Mart, People’s Grocery, Jimmy Dean’s Lounge, Sportsman Bar, Bohemian One Stop, Misty’s, Big Red Mini Mart, Bills Place, Main Street Grocery, and Pinky’s Lounge all passed their checks. Tom’s/Frank’s Family Foods, Niobrara Trading Post, and Steffen Mobile were checked and failed to deny tobacco sale to a minor.
The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Pierce County Alcohol Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Pierce County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are over the age of 21. Pierce County’s compliance rate was 100% with 14 retailers checked. Village Inn, Osmond Mini Mart, Casey’s (Pierce), The Liquor Store, Tom’s Service, Pierce Community Golf Course, Casey’s (Plainview), Keystone Bar, Speedee Mart (RoadRunner), D&K Lanes, Mary’s Café, Serendipity, Jerry’s Hilltop, and Prime Stop all passed their checks.
Retailers were also checked in compliance checks for tobacco. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are 21 or older. Peirce County’s compliance rate was 91% with 11 retailers checked. Village Inn, Osmond Mini Mart, Casey’s, Dollar General, Peirce American Legion, The Liquor Store, Tom’s Service, Casey’s, Family Dollar, and Prime Stop all passed their checks. Roadrunner (Speedee Mart) was checked and failed to deny tobacco sale to a minor.
The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Brown County Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Brown County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are over the age of 21. Brown County did not have any alcohol checks this year. Brown County’s tobacco compliance rate was 100% with 2 retailers checked. Roadrunner Masters (Speedee Mart) and Pump n’ Pantry both passed their checks. The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.
“Cherry County Alcohol and Tobacco Compliance Results”
North Central District Health Department recently partnered with the Nebraska State Patrol to conduct alcohol compliance checks in Cherry County. These checks aim to ensure retailers are properly checking I.D.’s and only selling to those who are over the age of 21. Cherry County did not have any alcohol checks this year. Brown County’s tobacco compliance rate was 72% with 7 retailers checked. Casey’s, Dollar General, Henderson’s IGA, Scotty’s Ranchland, and Speedee Mart all passed their checks. Conoco and Sandhill Oil were checked and failed to deny tobacco sale to a minor. The compliance checks were funded by Drug Free Communities Grant under grant NH28CE002996 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The views, policies, and opinion expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of ONDCP, SAMHSA OR HHS.