NCDHD Guidelines For Spring Planting and Branding


The NCDHD has released some helpful guidelines regarding ag, farming, and gardening practices and the steps you can take to help protect yourself and others.

When prepping for Spring planting, arrange for pick-up and drop off, go alone if you’re going to the store or limit the family that goes with you if possible, practice social distancing, and wear a mask.

They also offer the following tips for how to be responsible while branding.  Consider staying home if, in the last 14 days, you have been sick, have been around someone who was sick, have been to an area with a confirmed case of COVID-19, or have traveled outside of the area.  Consider staying home if you are elderly or have health issues.  Also, consider leaving children at home.  Make sure those preparing food wear gloves, are not sick, and have not potentially been exposed.  Have servers make plates up to limit how much each individual touches and to help limit the amount of time in line.  Eat outdoors while practicing social distancing.  Consider way to limit the size of the branding crew to decrease each person’s exposure.  Limit who you invite from affected areas or anyone living out of area including family members.  Consider not inviting someone who is not taking COVID-19 precautions seriously because they have a greater likelihood of contracting and spreading the disease.  And practice social distancing by avoiding close contact: maintain a six-foot distance and avoid handshakes, high fives, hugging, etc.

The best practices to avoid contracting or spreading COVID-19 are to practice social distancing, limit gatherings to ten people or less, remain with people you live with, and to frequently wash your hands.

To download a printable version of this information, click here:  AG-Guidance-During-COVID-19