Tasha’s Top 5: Preparing for Winter


Whether we want to admit it or not, we’ve hit that time of year when we have to wear our winter coat when we go to work and when we get home, it’s still cold. Worst yet– this weekend is daylight savings where we’re fooled into thinking that one extra hour of sleep one night will help, but rather we spend 3 months getting used to it and then suddenly it’s over. With daylight savings comes getting ready for that dreaded “w” word. So here you have it– my top 5 ways to get ready for winter.


5. Clean your gutters

This is one I wouldn’t have even thought of if my husband hadn’t had done this during my Saturday nap, so thanks Austin! But for real. With all the leaves falling, the gutters are doomed to be filled with junk. As they get more and more filled then freeze with water, the likelihood of your gutters sagging and breaking increases. So get your gloves and a bucket and clean them up!


4. Build your car emergency kit

If I had a dollar for every time my dad told me to get extra supplies in my car during the winter, I would have paid someone else to drive me around. Fathers, you know what I’m talking about, and now that I’m older, maybe me saying it will get your kids to prepare their car. Here’s my mini top 5 to put in your car for winter.

5. Cat litter–in case you get stuck.

4. Food and water– granola bars are perfect and yes the water will freeze, but it’s better than nothing.

3. Flashlight– for when your phone is dead.

2. Blanket– it’s cold.

1. Spray deicer and ice scraper– if you’re short and the spray works, you may not need the scraper!


3. Put up Christmas lights

Disclaimer: I LOVE Thanksgiving and am in no way condoning skipping my favorite holiday. What I am saying is we still have the opportunity of nice days, limited wind, and no ice! So why not get out and put up the Christmas lights while it’s still bearable outside? However, wait to turn them on until the Friday after Thanksgiving, please. 


2. Prepare your pet’s home

If your animals spend time outside during the winter, please make sure to work on their shelter now so they are protected. Make sure they have hay or blankets for warmth, heated water dish to prevent freezing, and protection from the wind. 


1. Test run your furnace

Not going to lie, my heat has been on for a solid month, but some of you folks are much braver than I am. If you are, make sure to give your furnace a test run before the temps drop even more. Let’s be honest, no one wants to suffer through frigid temps and busted pipes because you wanted to be the last one to turn on your heat. 

I’ve heard it time and time again– we’re Nebraskans and we should be used to the winter. However, just because we deal with it what seems like most of the year, we still need to take some time to prepare. If you have any more ideas or advice to get ready for winter, shoot me an email at kbrxdoghouse@gmail.com.  Good luck and may the odds be in your favor!