Update from the National Junior High Rodeo Finals


The National Junior High Rodeo Finals in Lebanon, Tennessee has already kicked off this week. With competition starting this past Sunday.


Much like the High School Rodeo Finals there is a lot of Junior High kids from around the area that are competing in Tennessee this week. Here is a list of the athletes that are competing and the results from their event.


Clay Holz will be competing in Tie Down Roping where he already has competed in the first round and received a NT score. Holz is also competing in the Chute Dog event, which will start Tuesday and go through Thursday. After his first performance in the Chute dogging event, Holz is sitting in 5th from in his performance and 33rd total with a time of 5.09. Holz has already went through one round of Goat Tying as well, where he finished in Fifth in his performance bracket, and is currently sitting in Thirteenth total with more rounds to come. Holz is also competing in Team Roping with Dane Pokorny and they’ll compete Wednesday morning and Wednesday night.


Slate Micheel will be competing in Junior Bull Riding Tuesday through Thursday this week.


Brady Painter will also be competing in Junior Bull Riding this week. In his first round of Bull Riding he finished with a NS, but will still have the week to continue to compete. Painter will also compete in the Rifle Shooing on Tuesday.


Elle Ravenscroft will be competing in Barrel Racing and Ribbon Roping. Ravenscroft has already competed in the First Round of Barrel Racing where she is sitting at 14th in her performance bracket. Ravenscroft will be competing in Ribbon Roping from Tuesday to Thursday. Ravenscroft still remains in 14th place in her performance bracket in Barrel Racing with a time of 17.153.


Sage Schrunk is competing in Chute Dogging and has already competed in the first round where he finished 10th in his performance round with a time of 6.62 seconds. Schrunk will continue to compete Friday night.


Jessica Stevens will be competing in the Goat Tying event. Stevens went through the first round of Goat Tying and finished 11th in her performance with a time of 10.93. Stevens is currently sitting in 45th place overall and will still have another performance Thursday morning.


Jenae Whitaker will be competing in Pole Bending. Whitaker will compete Wednesday morning and Wednesday evening.


KBRX will continue to monitor the results from Lebanon, Tennessee at the National Junior High Rodeo Finals. Make sure to check KBRX.com for all the recent updates on the events going on this week.